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Goodbye's are Not Forever

Writer: Sue MickelburoughSue Mickelburough

“Goodbyes are not forever….”

Here we are again… after only 2 months back practising at MyoRevive, doing what we love and helping our patients… finding that we must close our doors once again, during the Stage 4 lockdown for six weeks. The good news is it’s not for forever ….we will be back in September all going well with getting Victoria’s numbers done again.

We are still waiting on the official word from DHHS and our Overseeing Association (Myotherapy Association Australia) on the role of all Allied Health. It was said under the new directive of the Victorian Government and the Department of Health and services (DHHS) that all private health practices will have to cease face to face appointments with patients, unless you have a GP or Medical specialist referral or are from a vulnerable population group.

It is for this reason we once again sincerely apologise to you that your upcoming appointment will be pushed out by six weeks to ensure that you still have an appointment in September to look forward too. Off course closer to the date we will be in touch to check that this time still suits you.

One of our primary and core values at MyoRevive is the safety and duty of care to you and all practitioners at the clinic during this stressful time all Victorians are going through.

As I reiterated during the first lockdown in Victoria my Myotherapy Practice and your loyalty, along with your support to me have meant more than words can possibly say. I’m forever grateful for your faith you have had in me to help with your muscle health and be part of your health and wellness team. I look forward to seeing you again in September to continue your muscle health care.

I will still be available via text and phone/video calling if you find yourself in pain and need exercises or help with an updated physiapp program please do not hesitate to call me and I will be more than happy to help you.

Hopefully, I can resume business again mid September 2020 and will be in contact with updates during this six week period.

I wish you and your families stay safe, happy, healthy and well, till I see you again.

Yours in Health

Sue Mickelburough


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Sue Mickelburough

M: 0433 376 879


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© 2021 MyoRevive Muscle Therapies

MyoRevive Muscle Therapies would like to recognized the Traditional Owners for the area in which Balwyn North is located as the Wurundjeri People.  MyoRevive  would like to acknowledge the Wurundjeri People whose unceded land she works on and has her clinic. She respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and future.

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