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Self-Care During Isolation

Writer: Sue MickelburoughSue Mickelburough

It feels like such a long period that MyoRevive Myotherapy closed its doors and being isolated from work, family and friends is certainly no holiday. Added to this is also the toll on the mind and body, feelings of isolation, worries about work and the future. This coupled with the colder weather approaching leaves many of us struggling to stay positive and motivated to exercise and move. Check the poster below for ideas to keep you positive if your going into your third month of working from home or self isolating still. #selfisolation #selfcare #mentalhealth





Sue Mickelburough

M: 0433 376 879


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© 2021 MyoRevive Muscle Therapies

MyoRevive Muscle Therapies would like to recognized the Traditional Owners for the area in which Balwyn North is located as the Wurundjeri People.  MyoRevive  would like to acknowledge the Wurundjeri People whose unceded land she works on and has her clinic. She respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and future.

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